25 September 2008

Day 56 - Kuwait

No takers on naming my dish buddy from 2 days ago. So here's what I had:

Lawrence the Lima Bean.

Speaking of responses, I must say that they have been the highlight of each day. Each comment, no matter how small, serves to reconnect me with you and, by extension, everyone at home. Every note, e-mail or thought has been most welcome. I have filed every response in a special folder just to remind myself that there are a lot of people who care about me, as I care about them. But there is one writer who understands the effects of separation on the heart, and he has been the most prolific writer of all:

My father.

He's replied to even the most mundane of posts. He's been able to hear the loneliness in my words. And each time he picks up on a tinge of sadness or loneliness, he's quick to respond with a kind word. He knows me better than most, and he loves me a lot.

But he's not the only father looking out for me here. Our Father in Heaven is also looking out for me. He has provided me with enthusiastic students to pass the days, and tennis buddies to pass the nights. Through the people he has sent my way, he has never abandoned me.

I thank God for my father, who has modeled this love of the Heavenly Father. Because of my dad, I have a better understanding of who God is.

Thank you, Baba. And Happy 40th Anniversary to you and Mama on Sunday!


1 comment:

Bob Young said...

"Been a long time,
Been a long time,
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time."

- Led Zeppelin

Missed ya much. It's been great for Joyce & I to stay in touch w/Basma on Sunday evenings - we had a great talk last week. Hang in there, it's almost over...

Cap'n Bob